Board Positions

Below is a list of all the current Board positions with the ISSA-DV.

The President shall be the executive officer of the Chapter and, subject to the control of the Board, shall be responsible for the general supervision, direction and control of the affairs of the Chapter. The President shall preside at all meetings of the members and meetings of the Board. The President appoints all committee advisors, subject to the approval of the elected officers.
Vice President
The Vice-President shall act for the President when not available, encourage member participation, and acquaint members of ISSA's history. The Vice-President shall keep calendar of Chapter Board conferences for use in meeting planning and as resource to members.
The Secretary shall take minutes of all Board meetings, including how called or authorized, notice given thereof, place and time of holding, and the names of those present, and shall keep a copy of such minutes and distribute to the Board. The Secretary shall keep a copy of the current Bylaws Standing Rules and Job Descriptions, which will be available for the inspection by the members at all reasonable times. The Secretary shall keep an inventory record of all Chapter-owned equipment. The Secretary shall maintain and distribute an electronic distribution list of the Board members, including lists of Board Members work and home information.
The Treasurer shall coordinate the chapter checking account while collecting fees for meeting attendance, writing checks to cover all chapter expenses. In addition, the Treasure shall track chapter fees from ISSA HQ for memberships and report on the income and expense since the last meeting at each board meeting and chapter meeting.
Web Chair
The Web Chair shall establish and maintain local Delaware Valley ISSA Chapter website to include: a) Securing and maintaining domain name registrations b) Obtaining and managing web site space c) Central point of update for all website content d) Managing links with other websites e) Provide upcoming meeting information, past presentation material, and relevant security-related events.
Program Chair
The Board Program Chair is responsible for creating and heightening awareness of the ISSA-DV chapter through media, supporting materials, and communication with vendor/sponsors. This position is tasked with gathering speakers names and topics for quarterly membership meeting. Skills necessary to fulfill this position include good communication, good networking skills, and the ability to work alone.
Vendor Chair
The vendor chairperson works to ensure equity among sponsors for their time and resources and strives to ensure sponsors are provided the presentation time allotted to them in the ISSA-DV meetings. The vendor chairperson is the holder of the Sponsor benefits document describing the different levels of sponsorship and benefits of joining the ISSA-DV as a sponsor. The vendor chairperson strives to coordinate all vendor-related activities and provide the vendor's point of view at monthly meetings.
Member Chair
The Member Chair shall keep the chapter membership list to include name, address, home and work phone numbers, e-mail address, maintain the call list procedures, update the list with inputs from ISSA HQ and inform the Board of members not renewing. In addition to this the Member Chair shall set goals to get new members and retain members, coordinate increasing membership efforts from the community, and keep the list of major companies in the Delaware Valley and document efforts to recruit members from these companies.
Communications Chair
The Communications Chair is responsible for all communications with the chapter members to include, but not limited to, email, phone, and others. The main responsibility of this position is to email meeting notices to members in a timely fashion. Skills necessary to fulfill this position include the ability to work with large email lists and good communication skills.